Prima (UK)

Deal with sibling rivalry


With siblings, it’s important to instil a sense of family pride. A little bit of rivalry is healthy, when it’s underpinne­d by love and support. Jamie and Andy have always been the best of pals, but as brothers in the same industry, there have been tough times, too. When Andy first won Wimbledon, Jamie – a top player in his own right – was only ever asked about his brother in interviews. It must have been frustratin­g, but he dealt with it calmly.

They follow each other’s careers religiousl­y. In fact, sometimes I think

Andy knows more about Jamie’s position in the rankings than Jamie does!

We’re a close family, and any time spent together nowadays is very special. The demands of the tennis circuit mean it’s rare to have both boys home at the same time, but when it does happen, it’s all the more precious. We’ll do normal things, like watch old box sets or do family activities, such as crosswords, jigsaws or dominoes. In the meantime, wherever they are in the world, I’m in touch with them both every day – Whatsapp is a wonderful invention!

I’m so proud that Jamie and Andy have never forgotten where they come from. They both ended last year at number one (Jamie in the doubles and Andy in the singles), which is an incredible feat, and yet they’ve always remembered their roots, remaining humble, grounded and kind people, thankful for every opportunit­y that comes their way. As a mother, I couldn’t ask for more than that. • Judy’s memoir, Knowing The Score: My Family And Our Tennis Story

(Chatto & Windus, £18.99), is out now

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