Prima (UK)

Quick cover-up


Just throw on this drop-stitch top and go – perfect after a day at the beach!


To fit bust 81(86:92:97:102:107)cm. Approximat­e finished measuremen­ts: Bust 81(87:93:97:103:109)cm; Length 47(47:49:49:51:51)cm.


4(4:4:5:5:5) 50g balls of Sirdar Beachcombe­r in White 250. Pair of 4mm knitting needles. One 5mm knitting needle.


20 sts and 26 rows to 10cm square over patt, using 4mm needles (see NOTE).


beg beginning; cm centimetre­s; cont continue; inc increase; k knit; kfb k into front and back of st; patt pattern; rep repeat; RS right side; st(s) stitch(es).


Due to the nature of the slub yarn and the open stitch pattern, it can be difficult to measure tension accurately, particular­ly the row tension. However, as the length is worked to a measuremen­t, the row tension is less important.


(both alike) With 4mm needles, cast on 71(77:83:87:93:99) sts.

1st, 2nd and 3rd rows K to end. 4th row (RS) K to end, wrapping the yarn twice round the needle for each st.

5th row K to end, dropping the extra loop of each st.

6th row K to end.

These 6 rows form the patt and are repeated throughout. Work 13 rows in patt. Inc row (RS) Kfb, k to last 2 sts, kfb, k1. Beg with a 3rd row, work 5 rows.

Rep the last 6 rows 3 times more, then the inc row again, so ending with a 2nd patt row. 81(87:93:97:103:109) sts.

Place a marker at each end of last row. Cont straight in patt until back measures approximat­ely 47(47:49:49:51:51)cm from cast on edge. With the 5mm needle, cast off all sts loosely but evenly.


Place markers on the back and front for the shoulders, approximat­ely 6(6:7:7:8:8) cm in from each end of the cast off row. Join the front to the back from edge to marker, leaving the centre of the cast off open for the neck. Remove shoulder markers.

On back and front, place markers approximat­ely 20cm down from shoulder seams for armholes, then join the side seams between side edge markers, so leaving the armholes and lower shaped edges open.

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