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Your stars for August

- with Lori Reid

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A burst of stellar action focuses attention on your life. There’s energy, drama and pizzazz in your stars – all the things Leos adore. Changes that need to be made will make sense after the eclipse on the 7th – but you may not see the benefits until the last week.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Much is in the melting pot this month, which gives you time to rest, research and reassess. Don’t give up on your dreams despite the odd snag: there are things to do and you can’t bury your head in the sand. This is an ideal time to develop new ideas, make fresh plans and sow seeds for the future.

Libra 24 September – 22 October

With your popularity riding high, you’re on the crest of a wave. Friends, partners and allies are central to your activities. On the 3rd, wave goodbye to whoever has been ruffling your feathers and giving you grief. Start rethinking those ideas you’ve had up your sleeve, ready to roll them out in late August.

Scorpio 23 October – 22 November

Two eclipses across your skies make August a special month for both your home life and worldly progress. Work-wise, things click into place mid-month. Life may not be any simpler in the second fortnight, but it’s richer and full of colour. With surprises on the horizon, you end the month on a high.

Sagittariu­s 23 November – 22 December

Don’t worry if you reach a crossroads – the way forward is clearly marked. Do what you do best: follow your instincts. You’re in need of new stimulatio­n, and August provides the adventure you need. Whether you’re travelling or aiming for a top job, you’re happy to sail into uncharted seas.

Capricorn 23 December – 20 January

Do you have a place in your heart that you’re aching to fill? August stirs desire – a fabulous excuse to unleash your inner sensuality! Being so sensible means you’re not often swept off your feet but, when you are, it’s a precious feeling. At work, confidenti­al informatio­n brightens future hopes.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This month is all about hellos and goodbyes, as people in your circle come and go. Love sends you skipping to the office, the spa and the shops! Life mellows through the second fortnight and activity slows down – now is the ideal time to see a long-lost friend who has recently reappeared.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Once past the first week’s tensions, the tide turns and, from the 7th, you have lots of energy to burn. As the month progresses, a different mindset unfurls a new way of thinking. Venus brings someone special back into your life. A sense of renewal ends the month on a high.

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Feeling sentimenta­l? This is a month to spend time with the family doing things you all enjoy. With day-to-day tensions easing after the

7th, the summer opens up a world of love and leisure. A friend or colleague leaves the scene and is replaced by another who takes on greater importance.

Taurus 21 April – 20 May

All eyes are on you. Whether you’re at the top table, giving a performanc­e or closing a deal: step centre stage and enjoy the applause! But you’ll need to keep your wits about you, especially when travelling. The 21st opens a new door and, at last, the fun begins.

Gemini 21 May – 21 June

Change is on the horizon! You’re on the go and juggling as never before. Reach out for what you want mid-month when you say all the right things to all the right people. But be savvy and streetwise with money. Life slows back to normal at the end of the month. Phew!

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A major expense may blow a hole in your savings, but that’s precisely the nudge you need to stir a new ambitious drive. With Venus in your sign, you can’t fail to attract good things, people and opportunit­y. It’s also a perfect chance to revamp your image and look your best. Reworking an old idea proves lucrative, and may turn your fortunes around.

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