Prima (UK)

Emotionall­y frazzled? Let’s get over ourselves!

Break free from anxiety, stress and negativity, and become a glass-half-full kind of girl with some soothing – and often unexpected – self-help.



Do this barefoot for about 10 minutes while you breathe the grass-scented air. It’s a great lunchtime revitalise­r!


No huge surprise that twice as many women as men are prone to anxiety, but it’s an energy drainer we can deal with. ‘We all have deep resources of strength, energy and peace within us that we can dip into at any time,’ says mindfulnes­s champion Rose Elliot. ‘The way you do this is by breathing mindfully – the closest thing to magic I know. It’s easy and the more you do it, the more natural it becomes.’ Easy Mindful Breathing Practise for a minute at a time – even just two or three breaths is enough to start with. You’ll soon notice the benefits. Here’s how to perfect your technique... Sit quietly with your spine straight and eyes closed. Look slightly downwards through closed eyelids. Breathe in and feel the air going in through your nostrils, then notice it going out again. Repeat, being aware of everything you are experienci­ng as you breathe. Don’t criticise or try to change it. If other thoughts drift into your mind, just bring your focus back on to your breathing. Sit quietly, concentrat­ing on one mindful breath after another. Feel the peace and strength that this brings and realise that, in this moment, all is well. For more on mindful breathing, read Rose Elliot’s book, Every Breath You Take (£7.99, Watkins), out now


Listening to rock music when you’re doing energydrai­ning housework triggers feelgood endorphins.


Just 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight a day will keep your vitamin D levels sweet and up your happiness factor! But if you’re outside for longer, don’t forget suncream.

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