Prima (UK)

5 rev-you-up herbs! YOU CHOOSE


Ah, we love the vitality a well-chosen herb can bring and they’re an easy, budget-proof way to sort an energy crisis. Herbalist Tipper Lewis reveals her no-fail favourites. Recognise the problem?

Foggy brain? Energy zapped because you can’t harness your thoughts? ‘Matcha is the creative superfood. It combines potent antioxidan­ts with energising caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine that helps calm the mind.’ Make a matcha latte when it gets too much!

Exhausted? A good energy fixer for those of us overworkin­g or burning the candle at both ends is Siberian ginseng. It can help us cope with stress in order to avoid potential burn-out. Try easy-to-take capsules or tinctures.

Worn out? Because you’re worried, right? ‘Try a combo of two delightful herbs: skullcap is perfect for the middle-of-the-night list maker; and lemon balm is great for a lift if you’re feeling down or to soothe anxiety.’ Mix together in a tea!

No zip? ‘Rhodiola is a fab herb for increasing energy and stamina. It helps to improve the way the body makes and uses energy and even aids recovery.’ Reluctant gym bunnies take note! Capsules are the easy-take way.

Overtired? Lack of sleep can have you feeling drained. In India, milk warmed with powdered ashwagandh­a and honey is used to promote a sense of calm to prepare you for sleep. Add to regular or oat milk.

FIND herbs at Neal’s Yard Remedies

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