Prima (UK)

Check on elderly relatives


If you have an older neighbour or relative, keep an eye on them to make sure they’re up and about as usual each day. People who are frail and elderly are unable to keep as warm as they used to. Encourage them to keep the room temperatur­e at least 18°C and to dress in layers to help trap body warmth. The body needs food to act as fuel, so it’s important to eat well in winter and have at least one hot meal each day, as well as plenty of hot drinks. Movement and exercise generate body heat, so try to help them stay active. To keep warm in bed, wearing bedsocks and a nightcap will reduce heat loss from extremitie­s. A study involving 96 elderly people found those taking a multivitam­in for a year had better immunity, a better response to the flu vaccinatio­n, and half as many days ill with infection (23 days) compared with those not taking a multivitam­in (48 days).

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