Prima (UK)




To fit bust 81-86(92-97:102-107)cm; Finished measuremen­ts Bust 93(105:117)cm; Length to back neck 53(55:57)cm; Sleeve seam 45(46:47)cm.


2(3:3) 100g balls of King Cole Cottonsoft DK in Cloud 1575 (A) and 3 balls in Saxe 718 (B).

Pair each size 3.25mm and 3.75mm knitting needles.


22.5 sts and 29 rows to 10cm square over st-st using 3.75mm needles.


beg beginning; cm centimetre­s; cont continue; dec decrease; foll following; inc increase; k knit; m1 make one st by picking up and working into back of loop lying between st just worked and next st; p purl; rem remaining; rep repeat; RS right side; st(s) stitch(es); st-st stocking stitch; tog together; WS wrong side.


With 3.75mm needles and B, cast on 106(120:134) sts. 1st row (RS) [K1, p1] to end. 2nd row P to end. These 2 rows

form the broken rib patt and are repeated until back measures 6cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row. Beg with a k row, work in st-st until back measures 23(24:25)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row. Change to A and cont in st-st until back measures 34(35:36)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row.

Shape armholes

Cast off 14(16:18) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 78(88:98) sts **. Cont straight in st-st until back measures 53(55:57)cm, ending with a p row.

Shape shoulders

Next row (RS) Cast off 12(15:18) sts, k until there are 54(58:62) sts on right hand needle, cast off rem sts. Slip centre 54(58:62) sts onto a holder for back neck.


Work exactly as given for Back to **. Cont straight in st-st until 16 rows fewer have been worked than on Back to start of shoulder shaping, ending with a p row.

Shape front neck

Next row (RS) K25(29:33) sts, turn and cont on these sts only, leave rem sts on a spare needle. Cast off 4 sts at beg (neck edge) of next row, 3 sts at beg of foll WS row, 2 sts at beg of next 1(2:3) WS rows, then 1 st at beg of foll 4(3:2) WS rows. Work 2 rows.

Shape shoulder

Cast off rem 12(15:18) sts. With RS facing, slip 28(30:32) sts at centre front onto a holder, rejoin yarn to rem 25(29:33) sts, cast off 4, k to end. P 1 row. Cast off 3 sts at beg (neck edge) of next row, 2 sts at beg of foll 1(2:3) RS rows, then 1 st at beg of next 4(3:2) RS rows. Work 3 rows.

Shape shoulder

Cast off rem 12(15:18) sts.


With 3.75mm needles and B, cast on 43(47:49) sts. 1st row (RS) K1, [p1, k1] to end. 2nd row P to end. These 2 rows

form the broken rib and are repeated until sleeve measures 5cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row. Beg with a k row, work 4 rows in st-st.

Inc row K2, m1, k to last 2 sts, m1, k2. Work 5 rows. Inc row K2, m1, k to last 2 sts, m1, k2. Work 3 rows. Rep the last 10 rows until there are 81(85:89) sts,

at the same time, when sleeve measures 32(33:34)cm, change to A and cont in st-st, keeping incs correct. Work straight until sleeve measures 45(46:47)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row. Place a marker at each end of last row, then work a further 18(20:22) rows. Cast off.


Join right shoulder seam. With RS facing, 3.25mm needles and A, pick up and k20 sts down left front neck, k across 28(30:32) sts at centre front, pick up and k20 sts down right front neck, then k54(58:62) sts at centre back. 122(128:134) sts. 1st row (WS) [P1, k1] to end. 2nd row K to end. Rep these 2 rows once more. Cast off in patt on WS.


Join left shoulder and neck edging. With centre of cast off edge of sleeve to shoulder seam, sew sleeves into armholes, easing to fit and with row-ends above markers sewn to sts cast off at underarm. Join side and sleeve seams.

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