Prima (UK)




To fit bust 81(86:92:97:102)cm; Finished measuremen­ts Bust 86(92:97:102:109)cm; Length to shoulder 48(49:50:51:52)cm.


7(7:8:9:9) 50g balls of Sirdar Summer Linen DK in Daffy 0202.

Pair each of 3.25mm and 3.75mm knitting needles.


24 sts and 32 rows to 10cm square over st-st using 3.75mm needles.


cm centimetre­s; cont continue; inc increase; k knit; m1 make one st by picking up and working into back of loop lying between st just worked and next st; p purl; patt pattern; rep repeat; RS right side; ssk [slip 1] twice, insert tip of left hand needle from left to right through the fronts of both slipped sts and work 2 tog; st(s) stitch(es); st-st stocking stitch; tog together; WS wrong side.


● This yarn is very slippery and not tightly twisted, so be careful not to split the yarn when working with it.

● When measuring lengths, do not measure along the centre panel, measure only on the st-st sections.

BACK and FRONT (both alike)

With 3.75mm needles, cast on 107(115:121:127:135) sts.

K 1 row. Now work in patt as follows: 1st row (RS) K42(46:49:52:56), m1, k9, ssk, k1, k2tog, k9, m1, k42(46:49:52:56). 2nd row P to end. These 2 rows form the patt and are repeated. Work in patt until back/front measures 28(29:29:30:30)cm, ending wth a p row. Place a marker at each end of last row.

Shape for cap sleeves

Next row (RS) K1, m1, patt to last st, m1, k1. Taking inc sts into st-st, patt 7 rows. Rep the last 8 rows 5 times more and the inc row again. 121(129:135:141:149) sts. Cont straight until back/front measures 48(49:50:51:52)cm from cast on edge, ending with a RS row.

Shape shoulders

Next row (WS) Cast off 30(33:35:37:40) sts purlwise for shoulder, with 1 st on needle after cast off, cast off next 60(62:64:66:68) sts knitwise for neck edge, cast off rem sts purlwise for shoulder.


Join shoulder seams. With 3.25mm needles, pick up and k94(94:98:98:102) sts evenly along armhole edges between markers. K 2 rows. Cast off knitwise on WS.


Pin out pieces, lightly spray with water and leave to dry. Against ball band instructio­ns, we lightly pressed the edges to stop them curling. When dry, join armhole edgings and side seams.

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