Prima (UK)

Regain balance



Oh, the joy of a family Christmas! But there is a downside. ‘Closeness can be complicate­d,’ says mindfulnes­s expert Tzivia Gover. ‘To regain equanimity when you’ve been thrown off balance, practise the tree pose to help you reclaim your footing, and also improve memory and focus.’ 1

Stand with arms by your sides and feet close together (but not touching). 2 Shift your weight gradually to your left foot and lift your right foot as high as you comfortabl­y can. 3 Place your right foot on your left leg. Rest it just below (never on) the knee. 4 Gaze at a point on the wall (it aids balance). Place palms together in front of your chest. 5 Root your standing foot into the earth and let arms extend like branches. Hold the pose for several breaths and repeat on the other side. THE RESULT? In five mins, you can happily dive back into the family melee. Tzivia Gover is author of Joy In Every Moment (Storey). Connect with her at tziviagove­

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