Prima (UK)

Patchwork bear

This soft toy makes a lovely gift for a little one.



✽ Paper template

✽ Scissors

✽ Scraps of patterned fabric ✽ Toy stuffing

✽ Pins, needle and thread


❶ Using the bear template, cut out two pieces of cloth (or if using different fabrics as in picture, cut out two separate head and body pieces). Add 0.5cm seam allowance all round.

❷ If using a different fabric for the head, stitch to the body, right sides together.

❸ With right sides together, pin the two body pieces together and stitch all around leaving an opening on the side large enough for turning and stuffing.

❹ Turn material to the right side and stuff, beginning with the ears. Stitch across the base of the ears to ‘separate’ them from the head.

❺ Stuff the head and stitch across where it meets the body. Gather slightly.

❻ Stuff the limbs, stitching across where they meet the body. ❼ Stuff body and slip stitch to close the opening. Use fabric scraps to add features.


❶ Cut two small rectangles for the bodice and turn the fabric under along the top and side edges. Press flat. Attach to the neck edge of the bear with a few stitches at the top corners, front and back.

❷ Cut a longer rectangle for the skirt and hem the bottom edge. Sew up side seam.

❸ Turn the waist edge to the wrong side and gather with running stitches.

Sew in place on to the lower edge of the bodice.

❹ Add a pocket in a different fabric.

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