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Trust your intuition!

Did you know that listening to your inner instinct can help you make better decisions? A new book by expert Theresa Cheung explains how reading your own feelings correctly could change your life


Listening to your gut could change your life

American chat show host Oprah Winfrey says she’s relied on it her ‘entire life’; Apple co-founder and billionair­e Steve Jobs claimed it was at the heart of his success; and entreprene­ur Richard Branson calls it his ‘best guide’. There’s little doubt, then, that when it comes to making big decisions, trusting your gut is a savvy move. But how can you be sure you hear what your intuition is telling you? Follow these top tips from Theresa’s book to nurture your inner power…


Our morning routines are so establishe­d that they don’t require conscious thought, leaving our minds free to roam. Research on ‘eureka’ moments shows that the combinatio­n of relaxation, distractio­n and a known routine creates the perfect environmen­t for developing your intuition. Begin this morning ritual by putting a notebook and pen in your bathroom. Then step into the shower and focus on washing your body rather than what you’re going to do with your day. Let your mind wander freely in any direction. When you’re finished, turn off the shower, dry yourself and then write down any insights that came to you. As the day goes on, take action on them as and when you can.


We all have a friend who relies on us for emotional support to the point where we can feel overwhelme­d by their problems. I was feeling this way about someone recently, and when I saw her call pinging on my phone,

I felt dread. My intuition told me not to answer, so I emailed her saying I needed some time out. We haven’t spoken since, but I’ve never regretted that decision and am grateful I trusted the guidance my intuition gave me.


When you’re feeling sleepy, sit on your bed, close your eyes and slow your breath, counting to three on each inhale and three on each exhale. Lengthen your exhale to a count of four and then six, while still inhaling to a count of three. Do this for five to 10 minutes, then lie down, turn off the lights and close your eyes. There is serious intuition-igniting potential in setting a routine to falling asleep.


Learning how to connect with others on a deeper level is a potent way to ignite your intuition. We all have the ability to be empathetic. Today, say ‘hello’ or ‘thank you’ to someone you might not always make an effort to acknowledg­e, such as a supermarke­t assistant or bin collector. Note their reaction; it may be one of surprise or even gratitude that someone took time out to notice them. You could even glance at the shoes they’re wearing and mentally step into them. What would it be like to live their lives? By seeing the world through another person’s eyes, you’ll broaden your mind.

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Your morning shower can unlock your potential

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