Prima (UK)



BACK & FRONT (both alike)

With 3mm needles, cast on 113(119:125:131: 137:143) sts. K 5 rows. Change to 3.25mm needles. Beg with a k row, work in st-st throughout as follows: Work 14 rows. Dec

row K7, ssk, k to last 9 sts, k2tog, k7. Work 5 rows. Rep the last 6 rows 6 times more then the dec row again. 97(103:109:115:121:127) sts. Work 15(15:17:17:19:19) rows. Inc row (RS) K7, m1, k to last 7 sts, m1, k7. Work 7 rows. Rep the last 8 rows 4 times more and the inc row again. 109(115:121:127:133:139) sts. Cont straight until work measures 39(40:40:41:41:42)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row. **

Shape armholes

Cast off 9(10:11:12:13:14) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 91(95:99:103:107:111) sts. Next row

K2, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2. Next row

P to end. Rep the last 2 rows 5 times more. 79(83:87:91:95:99) sts. Work straight until back measures 50(51:52:53:54:55)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row.

Shape neck

Next row (RS) K33(34:35:36:37:38), turn and work on these sts only, leave rem sts on a spare needle. Next row (WS) P1, p2tog, p to end.

Next row K to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. Rep the last 2 rows 10 times more. 11(12:13:14:15:16) sts. P 1 row. Cast off. With RS facing, slip centre 13(15:17:19:21:23) sts on to a holder, rejoin yarn to rem 33(34:35:36:37:38) sts, k to end. Next row (WS) P to last 3 sts, p2tog tbl, p1. Next row K1, ssk, k to end. Rep the last 2 rows 10 times more. 11(12:13:14:15:16) sts. P 1 row. Cast off.


Join right shoulder seam. With RS facing and 3mm needles, pick up and k26 sts down left front neck, k across 13(15:17:19:21:23) sts from front neck holder, pick up and 26 sts up right front neck, 26 sts down right back neck, k13(15:17:19:21:23) sts from back neck holder, pick up and k26 sts up left back neck. 130(134:138:142:146:150) sts. K 2 rows. Cast off knitwise on WS.


Join left shoulder and neckband seam. With RS facing and 3mm needles, pick up and k104(104:108:108:112:112) sts evenly around armhole edges. K 2 rows. Cast off knitwise on WS.


With 3.25mm needles, cast on 36 sts. 1st row (RS) P3, k6, p3, k14, p3, k4, p3. 2 nd row P to end .3 rd rowP3,k6,p 3, k14,p3,C4B,p 3.4 throw P to end .5 th

row P3, C6F, p3, C8F, C6B, p3, k4, p3.

6th row P to end. 7th and 8th

rows P3, k6, turn, slip 1 purlwise, p to end. 9th row and 10th rows

P3, k6, p3, k8, turn, slip 1 purlwise, p to end. 11th row P3, C6F, p3, k14, p3, C4B, p3. 12th row P to end. These 12 rows form the patt and are repeated 32(32:33:33:34:34) times more. Cast off.


Join side seams. Sew cast on and cast off edges of collar together. With WS of collar to RS of body and collar seam to one shoulder seam, sew shorter edge of collar in place to neck edging, easing to fit.

Based on an original design by Debbie Bliss in Juliet.

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 ??  ?? Stitch detail
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