Prima (UK)

Save the hedgehogs

See page 39 for how this cute hedgehog can help


Knit your own and help our campaign

FINISHED MEASUREMEN­TS Length: 12cm; width: 8cm; height: 9cm.


Double knitting weight yarn, 50g in

Dark Brown (A) and oddments of Light Brown (B). Pair 2.75mm knitting needles. Short length black embroidery thread. Toy stuffing. Pair 6mm safety eyes. Wool/tapestry needle. 2 stitch markers (optional).


Tension is not critical for this project. Using smaller knitting needles than recommende­d for your yarn will ensure that the toy filling is not visible through the stitches.


alt alternate; cm centimetre­s; inc1 increase 1 st (by working twice into the same st); foll following; k knit; m1 make one st by picking up the loop lying between st just worked and next st and working into back of loop to twist the stitch and avoid making a hole; p purl;

pm place marker; psso pass the slipped st over the knitted st (to decrease 1 st); rep repeat; RS right side; sl slip; st(s) stitch(es);

st-st stocking stitch; tog together (work as many sts tog as stated); WS wrong side.


Starting at lower body and working towards head. With 2.75mm needles and A, cast on 6 sts. 1st row (RS) P to end. 2nd

row (WS) [(k1, p1, k1) all into next st] to end. (18 sts). 3rd row [P3, m1] to end. (24 sts). 4th row [(K1, p1, k1) all into next st, p3tog]

to end. 5th row [Inc1, p3] to end. (30 sts). 6th row *P3tog, [(k1, p1, k1) all into next st] twice; rep from * to end. (42 sts). 7th row

[P3, m1, p4] to end. (48 sts). 8th row As 4th row. 9th row P to end.

10th row [P3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] to end. 11th row [(K1, p1, k1) all into next st, p11] to end. (56 sts). 12th row *[P3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] 3 times, k1, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st; rep from * to end. (64 sts). 13th row P to end. 14th row [(K1, p1, k1) all into next st, p3tog] to end. 15th row P to end. 16th row [(P3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] to end. Rep last 4 rows, 4 times more, then rep Rows 13 and 14 again.

35th row (RS) P24, pm, p16, pm, p24. Note markers are optional and they identify the point where decreases occur. If using, simply slip these from the left to right hand needle as you approach them on following rows. 36th row (WS) [P3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] 5 times, p3tog, k1, [p3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] 4 times, p3tog, k1, [p3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] 5 times. (60 sts). 37th row P20, p2tog, p16, p2tog, p20. (58 sts). 38th row [(K1, p1, k1) all into next st, p3tog] 5 times, k1, [(k1, p1, k1) all into next st, p3tog] 4 times, k1, [(k1, p1, k1) all into next st, p3tog] 5 times. 39th row P19, p2tog, p16, p2tog, p19. (56 sts). 40th row [P3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] 4 times, p3tog, k1, [p3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] 4 times, p3tog, k1, [p3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all into next st] 4 times. (52 sts). 41st row P16, p2tog, p16, p2tog, p16. (50 sts). Remove markers.

42nd row [K1, p3tog] 4 times, p2tog, [p3tog, k1] 3 times, p3tog, p2tog, [p3tog, k1] 3 times, p2tog, p1. (25 sts). 43rd and 44th rows P1, [k1, p1] to end. Break off A and join in B. 45th row Using B, k8, sl1, k1, psso, k5, k2tog, k8. (23 sts). 46th and all foll alt rows P to end. 47th row K7, sl1, k1, psso, k5, k2tog, k7. (21 sts). 49th row K6, sl1, k1, psso, k5, k2tog, k6. (19 sts). 51st row K5, sl1, k1, psso, k5, k2tog, k5. (17 sts). 53rd row K to end. 55th row [K2, k2tog] 4 times, k1. (13 sts). 57th row [K1, k2tog] 4 times, k1. (9 sts). 58th row P1, [p2tog] to end. (5 sts). Leaving a long length of yarn, fasten off and draw yarn through remaining sts. Working from nose end to cast on edge, join the underside seam of the face and stuff. Insert safety eyes two rows into the face after colour B was joined and continue to sew the remainder of the body closed (stuffing as you go) and fasten off. Using Black embroidery thread, work a ring of chain stitches for the nose and two straight stitches to form the mouth.


With 2.75mm needles and B, cast on

7 sts. 1st row K2, k3tog, k2. (5 sts). Leaving a long length of yarn, fasten off and draw yarn through remaining sts. Sew to body, one row of bobbles behind the face, with purl side facing outwards.


With 2.75mm needles and B, cast on 2 sts. 1st row (WS) P2. 2nd row (RS) [Inc1] twice. (4 sts). 3rd and all foll alt rows P to end. 4th row Inc1, k2, inc1. (6 sts). 6th row Inc1, k4, inc1. (8 sts). 8th row Inc1, k6, inc1.

(10 sts). Mark both ends of 8th row using waste yarn. 10th, 12th and 14th rows K to end. 15th row [P2tog] to end. (5 sts). Leaving a long length of yarn, fasten off and draw yarn through remaining sts. Join row ends between gathered sts and marker and stuff firmly. Sew feet to body with seam facing inwards and shaped edge on the outside, three rows of bobbles behind the hedgehog’s head and 1.5cm out from underside body seam. Stuff upper arm lightly before finishing the seam.


With 2.75mm needles and B, cast on 10 sts. Starting with a K row, work 6 rows in st-st. 7th row (RS) [K2tog] to end. (5 sts). Leaving a long length of yarn, fasten off and draw yarn through remaining sts. Join row ends. Stuff firmly and stitch to underside of body in-line with front feet, just as the bottom curve ends and the straight knitting of the body begins.

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