Prima (UK)


Try soothing Arvigo therapy


‘Soft, sensitive strokes work through layers of tension’

This menopause-soothing, Mayan-inspired massage is named after naturopath Dr Rosita Arvigo, who felt that the uterus is a woman’s ‘second brain’, the spiritual centre of her being, and should be cared for.

WHY SO GOOD? Because it’s effective for all things feminine, such as the menopause and menstrual problems. ‘Arvigo therapy stimulates circulatio­n within the abdominal area, for better absorption of nutrients, healthier eliminatio­n and lymphatic drainage,’ enthuses therapist Angie lx Chel.

THE ROUTINE? Expect a treatment like no other. ‘Using soft, sensitive strokes and gentle stretching and rocking to work through the layers of tension, Arvigo practition­ers massage the abdomen, back and base of the spine,’ explains Angie. ‘To keep you comfortabl­e, all but the part being massaged is covered.’ Not keen on having your middle massaged? Trust us. Five minutes into this therapy and you relax right into it.

FEELS LIKE? You’ll feel nurtured throughout. You’ll also be talked through a simple self-care sequence. ‘An important part of the session,’ says Angie. ‘Very empowering.’

FAST FIX? ‘Some enjoy regular treatments, whlle others are happy after two sessions and continue on their own self-care programme,’ says Angie.

THE COST? Your first session with Angie costs £85-£110; a follow-up is £60-£80. She has practices in Farnham, Godalming and Guildford, Surrey, and London. Contact her at

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