Prima (UK)




Approximat­ely 208.5 x 50cm


One 400g ball each Wendy Aran with Wool in Mist 5523 (A), Slate 5522 (B) and Graphite 5521 (C) and two 400g balls in Black 5520(D).

Pair of 4.5mm knitting needles.


22 sts and 26 rows to 10cm square over patt using 4.5mm needles.


cm centimetre­s; k knit; p purl; patt pattern; rep repeat; st(s) stitch(es); tbl through back loop; tog together; TWR k into 2nd st, then k into 1st st and slip both sts off the needle tog; TWL k into 2nd st tbl, then k into 1st st tbl and slip both sts off the needle tog.


With 4.5mm needles and A, cast on 110 sts.

1st row K6, p1, [p5, k7, p5, k7] 4 times, p1, k6.

2nd row K7, [p7, k5, p7, k5] 4 times, k7.

3rd row K6, p1, [p4, TWR, k4, TWR, p4, TWR, k4, TWR] 4 times, p1, k6.

4th row K7, [k1, p7, k5, p7, k4] 4 times, k7.

5th row K6, p1, [p3, TWR, k4, TWR, p4, TWR, k4, TWR, p1] 4 times, p1, k6. 6th row K7, [k2, p7, k5, p7, k3] 4 times, k7.

7th row K6, p1, [p2, TWR, k4, TWR, p4, TWR, k4, TWR, p2] 4 times, p1, k6. 8th row K7, [k3, p7, k5, p7, k2] 4 times, k7. 9th row K6, p1, [p1, TWR, k4, TWR, p4, TWR, k4, TWR, p3] 4 times, p1, k6.

10th row K7, [k4, p7, k5, p7, k1]

4 times, k7.

11th row K6, p1, [TWR, k4, TWR, p4] 8 times, p1, k6.

12th row K7, [k5, p7, k5, p7] 4 times, k7. 13th row K6, p1, [TWL, k4, TWL, p4] 8 times, p1, k6.

14th row As 10th row. 15th row K6, p1, [p1, TWL, k4, TWL, p4, TWL, k4, TWL, p3] 4 times, p1, k6. 16th row As 8th row.

17th row K6, p1, [p2, TWL, k4, TWL, p4, TWL, k4, TWL, p2] 4 times, p1, k6. 18th row As 6th row.

19th row K6, p1, [p3, TWL, k4, TWL, p4, TWL, k4, TWL, p1] 4 times, p1, k6. 20th row As 4th row. 21st row K6, p1, [p4, TWL, k4, TWL] 8 times, p1, k6.

22nd row As 2nd row. 3rd to 22nd rows form the pattern and are repeated as follows: Rep 3rd to 22nd rows twice more (total of 62 rows worked in A). Break off A, join in B. Rep 3rd to 22nd rows twice more (40 rows in B worked). Break off B, join in C.

Rep 3rd to 22nd rows once more (20 rows in C worked). Break off C, join in D.

Rep 3rd to 22nd rows 15 times more (300 rows in D worked). Break off D, join in C. Rep 3rd to 22nd rows once more (20 rows in C worked). Break off C, join in B.

Rep 3rd to 22nd rows twice more (40 rows in B worked). Break off B, join in A.

Rep 3rd to 22nd rows 3 times (60 rows in A worked).

Cast off in patt in A.


Neaten all yarn ends.

Designed by the Wendy Design Team at Thomas B Ramsden

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