Prima (UK)


Inspired by Moroccan wedding baskets, these linen storage tubs look great on a shelf or windowsill.



❶ Fold the fabric in half and, using the plate as a template, cut out two circles. Cut out one circle the same size from iron-on interfacin­g.

❷ Measure the circumfere­nce of the plate (approx 63cm) and add

3cm for seam allowances. Cut two rectangles of fabric this wide by the height you want. Cut the same size rectangle from the interfacin­g.

❸ Iron the interfacin­g on to the wrong side of one piece of fabric and one of the fabric circles, following manufactur­er’s instructio­ns.

❹ With a fabric pencil, draw lines along the other rectangle of fabric (the one without the interfacin­g). Hand stitch on rows of sequin braid along these lines. Leave a 1.5cm gap at each end for the seam.

❺ With right sides facing, machine stitch the side seam of the sequined fabric. Sew the seam of the interfaced fabric in the same way.

❻ Pin the plain circle of fabric to the bottom of the sequined section and tack in place. (This is easier if you mark the quarters of both tube and base with a pin and then match them up.) Repeat for the interlined pieces. Machine stitch each base in place.

❼ Trim and notch the curved edges of the fabric. Fold over the top of the fabric on both sections to the wrong side, approximat­ely 1.5cm, and iron in place.

❽ Turn the sequined section through to the right side. Pop the interfaced fabric section inside, match up the seams, pin the top edges together and tack in place. Topstitch along this edge with the sewing machine to finish.

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