Prima (UK)


Your sheets will smell fresh and fragrant once sprayed with this.



✽ Sweet-smelling rose petals or lavender flowers ✽ Large saucepan with domed lid ✽ Water (distilled ideally) ✽ Heatproof bowl such as a pudding bowl ✽ Ice cubes

✽ 3 tbsp of witch hazel or vodka ✽ Reusable spray bottle


❶ Place one mug full of rose petals or lavender flowers into a saucepan with three mugs of water.

❷ Put the bowl in the centre so the petals float around the sides.

❸ Put the pan lid on upside down and fill with ice cubes.

❹ Bring the water to a simmer.

❺ Steam will condense on the cold underside of the lid into the bowl. Replace the ice as required and collect the scented water from the bowl as you go. Do not let the pan boil dry.

❻ When most of the water has evaporated from the pan, remove from the heat and leave to cool. ❼ Add the witch hazel or vodka to the liquid from the bowl and stir, before pouring into the spray bottle.

❽ Use when ironing by lightly misting the fabric. Store in a cool, dark place for up to six weeks.➺

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