Prima (UK)



Keep things organised with stencilled refillable jars for washing powder, or even pasta or cookies.


❶ Wipe clean each container and leave to dry.

❷ Print out a word in a typeface you like on a sheet of paper, or trace over a word on to tracing paper using a pencil.

❸ Carefully cut out the letters on a cutting mat using a craft knife.

Use a metal ruler for straight edges.

❹ Stick the stencil (made from paper or tracing paper) in place on the glass jar with masking tape.

Make sure it’s perfectly flush against the glass.

❺ Dab specialist glass paint over the letters using a flat-end stencil brush. Apply several thin layers for an even coverage and so the paint doesn’t leak under the stencil.

❻ Peel off the stencil gently and leave to dry.

❼ Use glass paint to decorate enamel tins in the same way, or with freehand patterns such as simple flowers or dots.

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