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Stars What lies ahead this month?


- with Yasmin Boland

TAURUS 21 Apr to 21 May

This month’s eclipse could be great financiall­y, or alarming, depending on your outlook. If you’re on an abundant streak and feel it’ll last, it can. But if you’re panicking about cash, you could attract more to panic about! Surround yourself with positive thinkers: those we spend time with can influence us hugely.

GEMINI 22 May to 22 Jun

2021 will be a year of big shifts for you. The Full Moon eclipse on 26 May is in your Love Zone, so expect at least one very important relationsh­ip to evolve. If a contact, personal or profession­al, is unresponsi­ve, just move on. Good relationsh­ips can go to the next level.

CANCER 23 Jun to 23 Jul

Your best bet this month is to lay low and take it easy. Meditate and contemplat­e. May often stretches you as far as you can go, but it’s also the ideal time for you to process the last 12 months. How do you feel? Who or what do you need to forgive and move on from?

LEO 24 Jul to 23 Aug

Get down to basics when it comes to the VIPS in your life. Work out who matters, who is worth making an effort with, and who you know you can safely leave behind. There are challenges ahead when it comes to your most important relationsh­ip, so don’t waste your energy on unhealthy ones.

VIRGO 24 Aug to 23 Sep

Are you ready for a bit more love in your life? How about a lot more? This month sees the planet of plenty, Jupiter, moving into your Love Zone for a brief stay for the first time in over a decade. If you’re single, put yourself out there. Attached? Focus on having fun with your beloved.

LIBRA 24 Sep to 23 Oct

Your enjoyment of life between now and July (and then again throughout 2022) is about to soar. So even if you’ve been feeling like you can’t have as much fun as you’d like, the landscape is changing. For some, it will come in the form of revitalise­d health, for others a happier job and for others still, just happier days.

SCORPIO 24 Oct to 22 Nov

The eclipse is straddling your Money Zones, so change lies ahead when it comes to your finances. Right now, your fortune lies not in going it alone, but in seeking out joint ventures – for example, setting up a side business with a friend. You’re at the start of a more contented cycle in your personal life this month, too.

SAGITTARIU­S 23 Nov to 21 Dec

Expect life to be changing. What do you want to do differentl­y from here on in? The Full Moon eclipse is demanding you turn a corner; perhaps move on from bad habits or a toxic work situation or relationsh­ip. The more you cling on to something you know has had its day, the more challengin­g it will be!

CAPRICORN 22 Dec to 20 Jan

Wonderful news! As of this month, and for a little while to come, you have positivity planet Jupiter in your Mind Zone. In other words, even if you have been through the mill these past few years, it’ll finally be easier for you to look on the bright side. And the more you do that, the brighter life will become.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan to 19 Feb

Now is when the hard work of 2021 starts for you. So make a note of the top three big things you want to achieve this year. Then, make a bullet-point list about how you can achieve them. Believing in yourself will be easier now, but you still have some work to do.

PISCES 20 Feb to 20 Mar

The tide is turning in your favour. The lucky planet, Jupiter, has just landed in your sign for the first time in over a decade, and you’re about to go through a good patch. The harder you work now on your goals, the ‘luckier’ you will appear to those watching you soar.

ARIES 21 Mar to 20 Apr

In an ideal world, you would make 2021 a year of healing. In fact, if you’d like to have a word of the year, then ‘healing’ would do very nicely. This month, one way for you to start healing is to take a good look at the bigger picture of your life, rather than allowing any frustratin­g minor details to upset you.

This month’s moons

The New Moon takes place in Taurus on 11 May 2021 at 6:59pm. Remember to make a wish! The Full Moon eclipse takes place on 26 May 2021 at 11:13am. What do you need to release? Tell the Universe that you’re letting it go!

For your extended monthly forecast, visit yasminbola­

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