Prima (UK)


Wear with your favourite denim skirt – this easy knit will add a chic touch to your outfit



To fit bust 86-92(97-102:107-112)cm; Finished measuremen­ts Bust 99(109:120)cm; Length to back neck approximat­ely 40(43:46)cm; Sleeve length 5cm.


● 6(7:8) 50g balls of Debbie Bliss Rialto DK in Sea Green 081.

● Pair 3.75mm knitting needles.

● 3.75mm circular needle, 80cm long.


23 sts and 30 rows to 10cm square over patt when slightly extended, using 3.75mm needles.


alt alternate; beg beginning; cm centimetre­s; cont continue; dec decrease; foll following; k knit; p purl; patt pattern; rem remaining; rep repeat; RS right side; st(s) stitch(es); tog together.


With 3.75mm needles, cast on 115(127:139) sts,

1st row (RS) K3, [p1, k3] to end. 2nd row P to end.

These 2 rows form the 3 x 1 broken rib patt and are repeated. Work in patt until back measures 23(25:27)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row. Leave sts on a length of yarn.


With 3.75mm needles, cast on 117(129:141) sts.

1st row (RS) K2, [p1, k3] to last 3 sts, p1, k2.

2nd row P to end. These 2 rows form the 3 x 1 broken rib patt and are repeated. Work in patt until front measures 23(25:27)cm from cast on edge, ending with a p row. Leave sts on a length of yarn.


With 3.75mm needles, cast on 78 sts.

1st row (RS) P1, [k3, p1] to last st, k1.

2nd row P to end. These 2 rows form the 3 x 1 rib patt and are repeated. Rep these 2 rows until sleeve measures 5cm, ending with a p row. Leave sts on a length of yarn or stitch holder.


With 3.75mm needles, cast on 78 sts. 1st row (RS) K1, [p1, k3] to last st, p1.

2nd row P to end.

These 2 rows form the 3 x 1 rib patt and are repeated.

Rep these 2 rows until sleeve measures 5cm, ending with a p row. Leave sts on a length of yarn or stitch holder.


With RS facing, slip the garment pieces onto a 3.75mm circular needle as follows: Left Sleeve, Front, Right

Sleeve, Back.

Joining row (RS) Across left sleeve work: p1, [k3, p1] 19 times, k1, across front work: k2, [p1, k3] 28(31:34) times, p1, k2, across right sleeve work: k1, [p1, k3] 19 times, p1, across back work: k3, [p1, k3] 28(31:34) times. 388(412:436) sts.

Place a marker between first and last sts to show beg and end of rounds.

1st and every foll odd numbered

round K all sts.

2nd round P2tog, k2, [p1, k3] 17 times, p1, k2, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k2, [p1, k3] 26(29:32) times, p1, k2, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k2, [p1, k3] 17 times, p1, k2, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k2, [p1, k3] 25(28:31) times, p1, k2, p2tog, k3.

380(404:428) sts.

4th round P2tog, k1, [p1, k3] 17 times, p1, k1, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k1, [p1, k3] 26(29:32) times, p1, k1, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k1,

[p1, k3] 17 times, p1, k1, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k1,

[p1, k3] 25(28:31) times, p1, k1, p2tog, k3. 372(396:420) sts.

6th round P2tog, [p1, k3] 17 times, p1, p2tog, k3, p2tog, [p1, k3] 26(29:32) times, p1, p2tog, k3, p2tog, [p1, k3] 17 times, p1, p2tog, k3, p2tog, [p1, k3] 25(28:31) times, p1, p2tog, k3.

364(388:412) sts.

8th round P2tog, [k3, p1] 16 times, [k3, p2tog] twice, [k3, p1] 25(28:31) times, [k3, p2tog] twice, [k3, p1] 16 times, [k3, p2tog] twice, [k3, p1] 24(27:30) times, k3, p2tog, k3.

356(380:404) sts.

10th round P2tog, k2, [p1, k3] 15 times, p1, k2, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k2, [p1, k3] 24(27:30)times, p1, k2, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k2, [p1, k3] 15 times, p1, k2, p2tog, k3, p2tog, k2, [p1, k3] 23(27:30) times, p1, k2, p2tog, k3. 348(372:396) sts.

12th round P2tog, patt 63, p2tog, k3, p2tog, patt 99(111:123), p2tog, k3, p2tog, patt 63, p2tog, k3, p2tog, patt 95(107:119), p2tog, k3.

340(364:388) sts.

14th round P2tog, patt 61, p2tog, k3, p2tog, patt 97(109:121) p2tog, k3, p2tog, patt 61, p2tog, k3, p2tog, patt 93(105:117), p2tog, k3.

332(356:380) sts.

Keeping rib patt and decs correct, cont to dec 8 sts on every foll alt round until 196(204:212) sts rem, ending with a dec round.

Cast off purlwise on next round.


Join side and sleeve seams using mattress stitch, taking a complete stitch from each edge into seam.

 ??  ?? Not too tricky.
Not too tricky.
 ??  ?? CROP TOP

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