Prima (UK)



Kids will love this easy make. Why not add another face on the back of the jars, too?


✽ Jars (screw top) ✽ Orange crepe or tissue paper ✽ Scissors ✽ PVA glue ✽ Paintbrush ✽ Pencil ✽ Black paper ✽ String ✽ Green ribbon ✽ Battery operated tealights


❶ Place a clean, dry jar on to a piece of orange crepe or tissue paper to measure, and cut a strip to fit the body of the jar, adding an extra centimetre or two.

❷ Glue the strip of crepe/tissue paper to the jar using PVA glue (water down the solution if it’s too thick) and a paintbrush, being careful not to rip the paper. Crease the paper so it follows the curves at the top and the base of the jar.

❸ Draw and cut out shapes for the eyes and mouth from black paper and glue in place on the lantern. Leave to dry.

❹ Wind string and ribbon to the top of the jar to make handles, making sure the string sits under the ridges securely to hold it in place.

❺ Add a tealight. Lights4fun ( has battery-powered flickering candles that are ideal.

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