Prima (UK)


Use cardboard stencils to make lovely prints on cushions, table linen and tote bags.



✽ Pencil ✽ Tracing paper ✽ Cereal box ✽ Scissors ✽ Craft knife and cutting mat ✽ Plain natural linen cushion cover ✽ Extra card/cardboard and newspaper ✽ Masking tape ✽ Pebeo Setacolor fabric paints ✽ Stencil

brushes (small and large)

✽ Fine-tip black fabric pen or marker ✽ Iron

✽ Cushion pad


❶ To make this Peony design by Elizabeth Harbour, print out the Peony Border,

Peony Stamen and Peony Petals templates from elizabethh­

❷ Using a pencil, trace the templates on to tracing paper and transfer on to the inside of the cereal box (opened out flat with the flaps removed). Make sure none of the designs run over folds.

❸ Cut up the cereal box so you have three separate stencils. On a cutting mat and using a craft knife, carefully cut out the dark sections as shown on the templates (always cut away from your hand).

❹ To protect the cushion cover from paint seeping through, put the extra card/cardboard and newspaper flat inside the cover, so it covers the entire area you’ll be printing. Then place the Petal Stencil in the centre of the front of the cushion cover and fix it in place with masking tape.

❺ Gently stipple paint over the stencil with the large stencil brush, taking care not to move the stencil. When the petals are covered in colour, carefully peel the stencil away and leave to dry.

❻ Do the same with the border stencil using the small stencil brush, working with one colour for the wavy lines first, then another for the dots. Clean and dry the small brush between colours.

❼ Once dry, do the same with the third stencil to print the centre of the flower. Leave to dry.

❽ Draw loose ‘C’ shapes over the printed petals with the fabric pen. Leave to dry, then remove the card/cardboard and newspaper. Iron the back of the cushion cover to fix the paint.

❾ Pop in a cushion pad.

• The copyright of this template/design belongs to Elizabeth Harbour and it must not be used for commercial or retail projects (pieces made to be sold), nor used as a logo or as a design for any other means.

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