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Known to us as ‘the gardener’s friend’, hedgehogs are one of Britain’s best-loved animals. But the number of hedgehogs in the wild is falling – partly due to a loss of habitat and food – making them vulnerable to extinction.

However, there is some good news: while numbers of hedgehogs are dropping (with an estimated 879,000 left in the wild), there are signs in urban areas that the population could be recovering, thanks to local efforts to save them. Up to 250,000 hedgehogs are finding safe spaces in people’s gardens and green areas.

Here’s how to play your part in reversing the plight of hedgehogs…


Ditch the harmful pesticides and let some areas of your garden grow without interferen­ce. This will encourage bugs and create shelter, which hedgehogs will thank you for. If you do mow your lawn, keep a careful eye out for any hedgehogs nestled in the long grass.


Add small, square gaps (roughly 13 x 13cm) at the bottom of your garden fences to allow hedgehogs to roam freely. You can map a hole or sighting at bighedgeho­ Healthy hedgehogs scurry around with purpose; if you find one that looks injured, trapped or very lethargic, contact the RSPCA ( or the British Hedgehog Preservati­on Society (britishhed­, which can direct you to your nearest rescue centre.


If you want to make or buy a hedgehog home for your garden, leave it in a spot that is out of direct sunlight and sheltered from wind. October is the ideal time to put it out, before the hedgehogs go into hibernatio­n. It’s worth clearing out the home every couple of years.


Watch your speed on country lanes and keep an eye on the road. While hedgehogs can live for up to 10 years, road accidents mean that many in the wild don’t live past three years. Litter is another major hazard to hedgehogs and wildlife. To get involved in a local litter pick, visit keepbritai­ Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant, so only ever leave them water to drink. Dry or wet cat food is the best thing to feed them; avoid mealworms, peanuts and sunflower seeds as they’re all high in phosphorus and can cause bone disease.

 ?? ?? Hedgehog Awareness Week 1-7 MAY
Hedgehog Awareness Week 1-7 MAY
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