Psychologies (UK)

Find your spark


MANY VISIONARIE­S, from Albert Einstein to Oprah Winfrey, attribute the secret of their success to listening to that still, small voice within. Intuition allows you to reconnect with your power and creativity, the parts of you that make you unique and feel true to yourself. Yet, that inner voice and the wisdom it offers can be elusive… In this Dossier, Anita Chaudhuri talks to the experts to discover strategies and tips on how to stop overthinki­ng, access your intuition and find a path that is true for you. By following a daily practice of tuning inward, you can start to understand what it is that you’re yearning for in life, and take steps to make it happen. Learn wise habits that will stop you getting stuck in your mind, so you can allow your heart and feelings to guide you. Plus, take our test by therapist Sally Brown to discover what is blocking your intuition – overthinki­ng, self-doubt, overwhelm or people pleasing.

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