Psychologies (UK)

Sweet like sugar

We know too much sugar isn’t a good thing for various health reasons, but having some is part of a healthy approach to enjoying our food. Nutrition Editor Eve Kalinik explains


HAVING A HEALTHY GUT does not mean we need to shun sugar altogether. In fact, sucrose – straight-up white sugar – is broken down pretty high up in the digestive tract, so it largely doesn’t reach the large intestine where most of our gut microbes live and, contrary to some opinions, have such a negative impact on our gut health. However, excessive consumptio­n of any sugar still carries chronic disease risks, most notably type-2 diabetes. And the fact that something is labelled a ‘natural’ sugar, such as coconut blossom, honey, maple syrup, agave and the like, doesn’t really make much of a difference. Sugar is sugar at the end of the day and it amounts to the same thing.

Wading through treacle

The ‘no-added sugar’ line might seem favourable, but it comes with a host of issues. The idea that artificial­ly sweetened foods and drinks can satisfy our taste for sugar without negative consequenc­es is highly questionab­le. Evidence is emerging that links certain artificial sweeteners, including sucralose, aspartame and saccharin, to metabolic diseases and, crucially, they also appear to have a negative impact on our gut health.

Research* indicates that these fake sugars may alter the metabolic activity of gut microbes and the positive substances they produce that help manage inflammati­on in the entire body. Even some of the more recent plant-derived versions, such as stevia and xylitol, can be highly processed with many people reporting tummy troubles after consumptio­n.

I wholeheart­edly believe that, when it comes to sugar, a little bit of what you fancy does you good. One thing is for sure, we shouldn’t feel guilt around sugar, because the self-imposed judgment and anxiety that comes with restrictio­n is far more detrimenta­l than having a bit of cake or chocolate here and there. Sugar should be part of an overall wholefood and nutrient-dense diet. We just need to be smart about it, eat it mindfully and enjoy it for the treat that it is.

@evekalinik I got chills…

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