Psychologies (UK)

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Invest in a good night’s sleep with one of these tried-and-tested sleep aids


The Sleep School, founded by leading sleep expert Guy Meadows, has an app that offers a range of support, from daily tips and advice to 30-day courses and video sleep clinics. Sleep School App, £29.99, sleepschoo­

Designed in collaborat­ion with sleep experts, Morphée is a non-digital, screen-free aid. It features more than 200 relaxing audios to help you drift off, including nature sounds, guided meditation­s and breathing exercises. The purring Burmese cat in a Parisian apartment is especially soothing! Morphée, £79.99,

Body-led psychother­apist and breath expert Oliver James covers how to breathe your way to better sleep, including powerful exercises to stimulate the yawn complex and release sleep-inducing hormones.

21 Breaths: Breathing Techniques To Change Your Life (Unicorn Publishing, £12.50); unicornpub­

The beautiful sleep journal ‘End of day’ is a space to record affirmatio­ns, practise gratitude and reflect to help you unwind as sleep time comes around. When she used this journal, our tester had her best night’s kip since the start of the pandemic. ‘End of day’ wellness journal, £19.99,

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