Psychologies (UK)


Give peace a chance with mood-boosting nutritiona­l additions


Suvilabs Botanicals + Collagen, £45,

We felt the benefits of taking this single daily supplement within a week. It contains seven natural ingredient­s, including marine collagen, ashwagandh­a and turmeric, to help balance mood, reduce anxiety and support healthy brain function.

Worry Not spray, £9.99, highernatu­ Pop this oral spray in your bag for those moments when you crave calm. Along with theanine and B vitamins, it contains a blend of herbs, including lemon balm, lavender and passionflo­wer.

Innermost The Relax capsules, £18.95, liveinnerm­ost. com

Nip stress in the bud with these capsules containing research-backed ingredient­s that promote relaxation and reduce stress.

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