Psychologies (UK)

Change is going to come


‘How do I begin to change the habits of a lifetime?’ (February edition) was a game changer for me. Many of us have habits that we’d like to alter. And the good news is, after reading your expert’s advice, it seems it’s never too late to do things differentl­y. Changing habits may not be easy, but going about it in the right way can help our chances of success.

We are all creatures of habit. Some of them good, some of them bad. To stop doing something that has become habitual didn’t seem possible to me previously, but since reading your article, I believe I am quite capable of change.

My list starts with exercising more because I’ve become lazy. Health changes, even later in life, can still bring benefits, and even becoming moderately active will make a big difference to my wellbeing.

I’d like to develop more positive thinking too. Negative thinking has taken hold for far too long in my life. And I’d like to focus on one goal at a time, eliminatin­g all but the essential tasks. I’m not a superwoman! These are my goals for 2022. Focusing on them every day will help me see profound changes in my life in the future. Thank you for the kick-start! Leonie Heckman

Thank you for the article about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and how best to cope with it (February edition). I’ve suspected for years that I’m affected by SAD, but have never had a confirmed diagnosis or advice on treatments beyond vitamin D supplement­s and sun-mimicking lamps, which only go so far. I found the column about intrinsic goals particular­ly useful as a way to motivate myself during the darker months, as well as the five-point plan.

In the December issue, I also found Debbi Marco’s article on how to let go of past events insightful. I often find myself thinking of moments of social awkwardnes­s or times when things went wrong that can go back decades and have certainly been forgotten by everyone else involved. I plan to try out the techniques suggested, and I’m confident I’ll find one that works.

I’m a new reader to your magazine but intend to keep buying it and am considerin­g subscribin­g, as I find something interestin­g on almost every page. Please keep up the good work! Kate Eccles

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