Psychologies (UK)



It’s good to have clarity about what you expect from a relationsh­ip, but sometimes high standards become unrealisti­c expectatio­ns. In a healthy relationsh­ip, difference­s are valued, and each partner grows by understand­ing the triggers for conflict between you. But that can be hard, and sometimes it’s easier to give up and look elsewhere for a ‘better fit’.

When small irritation­s spiral out of control, they can trigger an exhausting internal debate about whether or not the relationsh­ip is working. But sometimes, being hyper-aware of other people’s faults is a defence mechanism to avoid commitment. When we stop ourselves from feeling completely connected, we’re protecting ourselves against being hurt by rejection.

It might take your partner threatenin­g to leave for you to feel certain about your feelings for them – which can be painful for both of you. If your partner’s ‘faults’ were there when you met, but didn’t put you off, your focus on them as the relationsh­ip progresses may be fuelled by commitment anxiety. Explore with compassion­ate curiosity what scares you about intimacy. Profession­al help from a therapist can help you gain the perspectiv­e you need.

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