Psychologies (UK)

Work it out

Sit down with a pen and piece of paper and complete the exercise below, to begin to understand the changes that are necessary for you to build a life of meaning and purpose.


Picture yourself as an older person, reflecting back on your life – a life that has been well-lived. Now imagine you are writing a letter to a good friend – you don’t need to send it to them, but it will make a difference to how much you get out of this exercise if you have a real person in mind when writing the letter.

Now, as your idealised future self, write about the lessons you have learned, the positive changes you made and all the incredible things you did in your life. Tell your friend how you arrived at this point in your life and how you came to achieve fulfilment and a sense of purpose. Share some of your wisdom and experience about living life to the full.

Don’t pre-plan in your mind what you are going to write; simply start writing, and don’t delete or edit anything as the words flow from your pen to the paper.

Once you have finished writing, read the letter back to yourself and realise the type of person you want to have become and how you want to have lived your life. Prepare to be surprised by some of the things you have written!

Now consider the way you are living your life today and ask yourself: What changes do I need to make to experience more meaning and purpose?

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