Psychologies (UK)

Hope sketches


According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, ‘safety’ is a basic requiremen­t for a person to experience self-actualisat­ion. Sketching provides a safe space for you to realise your potential. It allows you to become acquainted with yourself as a creator. This is the nature of your truest self. In the following exercises, you will express your anxiety through sketching. You can choose to leap into it with hope or despair. Either way, harness any comfort or discomfort you experience and explore the possibilit­ies in every mark you make. Sketch through what you go through. Let your lines be shaky and uncertain if they want to be. Let them be as wild and nonsensica­l as you can allow them to be. The blank paper is the safe space you need it to be. Give your mind permission to wander wherever it wants to go.

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