Psychologies (UK)

3 yoga poses for Glowing skin


Yoga teacher Libby Stevenson shares three yoga poses that nourish the skin by improving circulatio­n and eliminatin­g toxins from the body.

1 Downward facing dog The head below the heart promotes more efficient circulatio­n of blood to all the organs of your body, including the skin.

Start on hands and knees. Press into your hands and lift your knees and hips. Keep your head between your arms, toes in line with heels and feet a comfortabl­e distance apart. Bring your chest towards your thighs. Knees can be bent and heels can be raised.

2 Seated spinal twist This abdominal twist squeezes the digestive organs to stimulate the eliminatio­n of toxins from the gut. Sit with legs stretched out, spine upright, hands on mat by hips. Cross your left leg over the right, with the sole of your left foot flat on the mat. Hug your left knee with the right arm and place your right hand on the outer thigh of your left leg. Inhale, then on the exhale, keeping sit bones on the mat, twist to the left (left hand is on the mat with fingers pointing away from the body). Turn your head to look over the left shoulder.

3 Legs up the wall A blissfully relaxing pose that improves circulatio­n and relaxes the gut, for more efficient digestion. Start sitting, with knees bent and the side of your body making contact with a wall. Spin your body so your legs flip up onto the wall, while your hips, spine and head are on the mat. Place your arms away from your body, palms facing up. Place a cushion under your lower back for more comfort.

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