Psychologies (UK)

Getting to know you

Once you’ve pinpointed an industry you want to build a career in, and identified specific companies that excite you, it’s time to begin building a connection…

- @yourcareer­andfuture; Dive into Your Career Podcast


Set alerts for two or three organisati­ons, so you’ll see their updates about new products, business changes, and any public comment.


A website is static, but Twitter is where you’ll find out if a company is running a webinar series, has launched its own podcast, or is responding to a lot of questions on a particular subject.


Search on the company name and ‘Hiring’. Who is posting roles at that business? These people are good to connect with, because finding talent is their job.


Engage with people’s content. Comment on their posts. Ask questions. Share.


Don’t start with, ‘I’m looking for work experience, an internship or a permanent job.’ Instead, try: ‘I read your post on this and found it insightful,’ or ‘I’m aiming to connect with people who are doing interestin­g things in your industry. Are you open to that?’ Keep it light and genuine.

“Choose your industry, then build relationsh­ips”

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