Psychologies (UK)


Next time you hear the pitter-patter of raindrops, resist the urge to hole up indoors. Don your wellies, grab a brolly and head outside for a rain walk. Maintainin­g a positive outlook all comes down to being truly present in the moment…



Being fully present always begins with breathing, so bringing your awareness to your breath is the first step. Mouth-breathing triggers a subtle anxiety response, whereas deliberate and focused breathing through your nose is calming and works wonders for clearing your mind. Take a series of deep, steady inhales and exhales through your nose, releasing slowly and focusing wholly on the process at hand.


Now, extend your presence to the new, wet world around you. Notice the smell of petrichor and observe how it affects your mood. Really look at your surroundin­gs and take in the unique qualities rain brings to everything. Feel the droplets on your skin and listen to the meditative sound. Try to find a place in your mind and body where you are accepting of everything around you, internally and externally, clinging to nothing. Simply exist, let go and be with the rain.


When you’re ready to go back indoors, allow yourself a little time to ease back into normality. Take a hot shower, enjoy a cup of tea or simply sit quietly in contemplat­ion for a short while in a warm room. Reflect on your new experience of rainfall and the positive impact it has had.


As you walk, continue your conscious breathing and work on letting go of distractin­g thoughts. Don’t try to ignore or suppress them, instead, listen, acknowledg­e and then deliberate­ly let them pass. Keep returning to your breath and what you are doing right there, in the moment.

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