Psychologies (UK)

Start the day well


Before you check your phone, or switch on the radio, TV or any devices in the morning, take 15 minutes to do something you really enjoy. It might be yoga, reading a chapter of your book, going for a short walk, baking some muffins, or cuddling your partner. This will set your mood for the day and get things off on the right track – well worth setting your alarm a little earlier for. Author Stephen Covey says we spend most of our time responding to urgent tasks (both important and unimportan­t), and the tasks that are important but not urgent get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list – and we so rarely get around to them. Yet, very often, these are the things that hold the most meaning and lasting value. Things like making a photo album, planting your garden, inviting friends over or arranging a girls’ weekend.

Next steps

● Take proper breaks throughout the day where you spend 15 minutes doing something intentiona­l and relaxing that allows you to feel connected to the present.

● Make a list of non-urgent, high-importance things you want to do, and aim to do something from this list every day. Whenever you do, add it to a new chart called Daily Wins.

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