Psychologies (UK)

Earth mother


When I first moved from London to Somerset, I was keen to immerse my kids in the natural world I felt we had been missing out on. One of my first outings with my three-year-old son was to a local woodland activity centre, Hidden Woods. We built dens, learned basic bushcraft skills, and toasted marshmallo­ws over a campfire. I clearly remember all the kids crowding around the ‘mud kitchen’, where cakes and sandwiches were moulded from dirt and presented with grubby fingers and big smiles (who needs Play-doh?). My ‘toddler’ is almost as tall as me now, but we still spend a lot of time in the woods and, during lockdown, it was where we walked and talked each day.

It’s no coincidenc­e that being among trees makes us feel better – essential oils (phytoncide­s) released by trees and plants have been shown in Japanese studies to reduce stress, depression and anger, as well as improving immune function. A common activity in Japan, this form of woodland aromathera­py, known as shinrin-yoku or forest bathing, is becoming increasing­ly popular around the world.

To really absorb the sounds, smells and sights of nature, you need to pause and switch on your senses. Next time I’m out walking the dog, I find a log in the woods, in a clearing where the sun filters through the tree canopy, and I sit a while. I spend a few minutes looking down at the forest floor and then up at the trees, touching the bark and picking some up off the ground. After a while, I hear children running towards me, gathering sticks to make dens, their hands and knees caked in dirt. I think to myself, it’s no wonder they laugh around 300 times a day compared with adults’ 15–30.

TRY THIS Find yourself a sit-spot – somewhere you can sit or lie for a while amongst the trees in a wood or park or garden, and soak up your surroundin­gs. Observe the sights and sounds in your immediate area. Who are you sharing this space with? Focus only on what is right here, right now.

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