Rail (UK)

Southern electrics: the current thinking

It is 100 years since the first electrific­ation of the rail network in the South East of England. PAUL CLIFTON assesses its future


It is 100 years since what we now call South West Trains and Southern Railway started using an electrifie­d third rail.

Electrific­ation actually started before that - in the late 19th century, when Volk’s Electric Railway in Brighton opened in 1883. Currently about 40% of the rail network is powered by electricit­y, accounting for 60% of journeys. Of the electrifie­d routes, roughly two-thirds use overhead 25kV AC cables and a third uses 750V DC third rail.

The electrifie­d network is now being expanded, with large parts of the Great Western Main Line to be followed by the trans-Pennine route and the Midland Main Line. The proportion using third rail power will therefore reduce.

The London Undergroun­d began using a fourth rail system in 1890, on what is now the Northern Line. Suburban electrific­ation in south London followed some years later.

In 1921 a government committee chose 1,500V DC overhead cables to be the national standard, but this was widely ignored. The Southern Railway opted instead for a 660V DC third rail system, and by 1929 its patchy overhead network in south London had been replaced. The Brighton Main Line was finished in 1933, Portsmouth was reached in 1937, and Maidstone in 1939.

During this period the London and North Eastern Railway chose the Woodhead route between Manchester and Sheffield for its first venture into overhead wires, using 1,500V DC. Work began in 1936 but was not completed until the 1950s. As it was not adopted nationally, the route became isolated, and today only the Tyne and Wear Metro uses 1,500V DC overhead lines.

After nationalis­ation, British Railways expanded electrific­ation and (from 1956) adopted today’s 25kV AC overhead standard for all projects outside the existing third-rail systems in southern England and two lines on Merseyside.

After that, progress slowed. The South Western Main Line to Southampto­n and Bournemout­h was electrifie­d only in 1967, as the steam age came to an end. It reached Weymouth in 1988, built on the cheap with a limited power supply - the consequenc­es of which are still felt by the train operator today.

Only a handful of lines in the South remain diesel-operated. The line from Basingstok­e through Salisbury and the route to Uckfield are perhaps the most glaring omissions.

A key electrific­ation debate centres on third rail versus overhead.

“If you were just looking at the ability to transmit electricit­y, overhead is definitely best,” says William Powrie, Professor of Geotechnic­al Engineerin­g and Dean of the Faculty of Engineerin­g and the Environmen­t at the University of Southampto­n.

“Overhead line wins because you can transmit electricit­y at 25kV. That is to do with distance from the ground.

“In simple terms, if you have a certain voltage it will spark across to the ground. The higher the voltage, the greater the distance it will jump. So if you tried to put 25kV through the third rail, which is about four inches off the ground, it would just arc straight to ground.

“But the great advantage of 25kV is that you do not lose much power in the transmissi­on. Power = voltage x current. So 25,000 volts does not need much of a current. The energy loss is small.”

So why did a large part of the country go with a third rail system, when the power losses of a low-voltage system were well known?

“I think third rail merely came first. It was simpler. The overhead catenary is quite a difficult thing. It is a flexible structure. It hangs in an arc and you need a pantograph that can accommodat­e that, in addition to the sway of the roof of the train - lateral movement is more of an issue than it is closer to the ground. So the engineerin­g requiremen­t for an overhead power supply is a lot more sophistica­ted.

“The third rail is a great big piece of metal. It is held pretty rigid, so you can have a simple and cheap collector shoe mechanism on the train.” So, should third rail be replaced? “There is no future for additional installati­on of third rail,” says Dave Ward, Network Rail’s South East Route Managing Director until his retirement last year.

“You might be able to argue a case for doing Ashford to Hastings, but that’s it. Third rail is not compliant with the Electricit­y at Work Act, and ORR [the Office of Rail and Road] put a prohibitio­n on further third rail.”

In 2011, Network Rail’s Head of Electrific­ation Peter Dearman suggested there was an economic case to convert the entire third rail network to overhead lines, stating that

I cannot imagine going to our passengers to explain that we might spend billions of pounds to move the electric power from underneath their trains to on top of them. No sane business would do that.

Tim Shoveller, Managing Director, South West Trains

third rail “has no long term future” ( RAIL 673).

Dearman argued that the network was at the limit of its power capability, with trains restricted to a top speed of 100mph, but more generally achieving only 80mph with a quarter of all power lost in the form of heat.

“There have been many attempts to make the economic case,” counters South West Trains Managing Director Tim Shoveller. “There isn’t one. I cannot imagine going to our passengers to explain that we might spend billions of pounds to move the electric power from underneath their trains to on top of them. No sane business would do that.

“The business case for replacing DC assumes that AC would be faster and reduce journey times, with the time benefits bringing additional revenue.

“But the scope for speed is limited. Take the Portsmouth route: most of it is 70mph or 85mph. We could increase that to 90-100mph in places. Journey time is certainly an issue for us, but for that level of improvemen­t we wouldn’t need overhead cables to achieve it.”

In 2012 the concept was introduced of an ‘Electric Spine’ of overhead cables linking Southampto­n docks to the Midlands to improve freight capacity.

This would entail converting part of the South West Main Line between Southampto­n Central and Basingstok­e to 25kV AC, and was seen as a pilot scheme to develop a business case for full conversion of the third rail network. The High Level Output Specificat­ion slated a start date before 2019.

But the autumn 2015 Wessex Route Study states only: “It is intended to provide 25kV AC overhead line electrific­ation between Basingstok­e and the docks at Southampto­n at some point during CP6” [the five-year financial Control Period ending in March 2024]. The recent Hendy Review does not update this.

And there are enough warnings in the Route Study to suggest that it could be kicked into the long grass.

“A significan­t cost is involved in converting the present day electric passenger fleet to dual voltage capability, it being assumed that it will not prove possible or practicabl­e to keep in place the third rail DC system,” the report states. “There is very little overall passenger benefit,” it adds.

“The economic case for the Electric Spine is shot through,” is Ward’s view. “The spine is in spasm. It was a well-intended idea.”

Shoveller agrees: “The case is certainly

dead in the short term. I utterly reject the notion of leaving a diesel route to Salisbury while electrifyi­ng an already-electric line to Southampto­n. It would be a nonsense. Only an engineerin­g company would think of doing that… you get the inference!

“I would absolutely electrify to Salisbury. That would be AC overhead from Worting Junction, because that is the national standard and we are not likely to see new DC third rail. It’s no problem to have a dual-voltage train for that.

“If an Electric Spine is going to happen, great. But I would like to see that money spent via Andover and Salisbury to provide two electric routes to Southampto­n. That would be much better value for money.”

The element of putting power back must also be considered.

“The impact of regenerati­ve braking is now also a significan­t factor,” says Powrie. “If you have regen braking on high voltage AC, you can put power back into the wire fairly easily. And from there it can go to the national grid.

“Power put back into the DC third rail at a low voltage cannot go back into the national grid. If you put energy back into the third rail through regen braking, it can only be used by another train in the same section of track. Otherwise it is just lost.

“The surprise to me was when the railway started to claim the overhead line was more resilient to bad weather, because I have always associated it with the risk of high winds and the effects of ice.

“But three years ago, when we had a bad winter, SWT put on a diesel service on my local line between Southampto­n and Portsmouth. The modern trains have such a lightweigh­t collector shoe that it tends to lose contact, shutting the trains down.

“I would have thought the risk was pretty even. Third rail is more susceptibl­e to the increase in flooding which happens with climate change; catenary is more susceptibl­e to high winds. They’re about equally susceptibl­e to ice.

“One reason we can have chaos now is unforecast heavy ice overnight. If ice is predicted, they put out the de-icing trains to make sure everything is OK by morning. They don’t go out as a matter of routine, because of the cost. In terms of climate change resilience, it’s a close thing.”

The electrific­ation programme is “too

I find it very difficult to believe that you could make an economic case for converting to third rail now. The price would be prohibitiv­e. William Powrie,

Professor of Geotechnic­al Engineerin­g and Dean of the Faculty of Engineerin­g and the Environmen­t at the University of Southampto­n

expensive”, he says, shifting the balance.

Powrie thinks that although overhead wires are inherently better, the economic case for replacing third rail is diminishin­g as a result of the latest programme of electrific­ation.

He points out that when Network Rail’s Dearman argued there was a case for replacemen­t in 2011, the cost of the Great Western electrific­ation was put at about a sixth of the latest estimates.

“I find it very difficult to believe that you could make an economic case for converting to third rail now. The price would be prohibitiv­e,” he says.

“Network Rail is arguing that one justificat­ion for the cost increase is that the equipment is much better. Actually, it isn’t. It is all quite agricultur­al. It is structural­ly inefficien­t, and that makes it more expensive.

“If they try to get themselves out of jail using that argument, then any future electrific­ation scheme simply becomes unaffordab­le, however you try to justify it.

“That really is a worry for people who support the railway. It is not helpful when Network Rail engineers defend the cost of the current scheme. We have to get costs down before the next project.”

Powrie suggests that NR has been let down badly by the supply chain. Its new high output “factory” train, specially built to speed up wiring the Great Western, was designed to drive tubular steel piles to a depth of 5.5 metres.

On previous electrific­ation jobs, a depth of three to five metres was seen as adequate. But the industry has since come up with a revised overhead gantry system that requires much greater pile depths. So rather than 5.5 metres being a maximum depth, it turns out to be a minimum.

Says Powrie: “Part of the problem is that the Furrer + Frey overhead line equipment they are using on the Great Western is a lot heavier and chunkier than before. That means the wind loads are greater. The ice loads are also greater, and you have to design for them. It pushes up the engineerin­g requiremen­ts out of all proportion.

“With the new method they have piled a factor of safety on top of a factor of safety, caution on top of caution.

“Network Rail I think now understand­s it has to redesign the masts. Furrer + Frey Series One equipment uses a lot of steel - it could come down by 40%. That would reduce the weight, and reduce the wind, snow and ice load.”

Powrie explains that a column bolts on top of the steel pile. The boom that stretches across the railway tracks can slide up and down that column. It is then clamped into place, which allows for a margin of error in erecting it at

The industry cannot even begin to consider the replacemen­t of third rail for another ten to 15 years. What we’ve seen on the Great Western in effect will extend the longevity of third rail. Dave Ward, former South East Route Managing Director, Network Rail

not quite the right height. “That adjustabil­ity is like having a folding bike,” he says. “If you have a bike which folds in places it doesn’t need to, it is going to be heavier than a bike which does not fold. The adjustabil­ity comes from sliding and bolted joints instead of simple welded joints. It is structural­ly less efficient and therefore needs more steel to achieve the same result. It is therefore heavier and more expensive.

“Foundation­s have to become bigger to take the extra weight. They take longer. The high output train hasn’t been able to deliver what is now wanted. The whole thing has become a bit of a disaster, really. But they are too far advanced now - they have to push on.”

Ward, formerly in charge of Network Rail’s South East routes, takes a similar view: “The industry cannot even begin to consider the replacemen­t of third rail for another ten to 15 years. What we’ve seen on the Great Western in effect will extend the longevity of third rail. It’s not economical­ly viable or physically deliverabl­e until a modular overhead system becomes available, one that can be installed quickly and without disruption.

“It would be very difficult to install even then. Stand at the end of the platform at either Waterloo or London Bridge and look at the tracks. Now imagine how difficult it would be to install a system of wires above all that. Almost impossible.

“I’d say on a list of priorities for the Southern Region it comes about 15th. There are far more important things to do. South of the river the railway is all about capacity, not speed. And third rail can deliver capacity.

“One day someone will have to grasp the nettle. But the change would take years and cost billions of pounds. For what gain? It won’t produce more than a marginal change in capacity, and there are many other changes which would produce much greater capacity.”

Nowhere in the world is pursuing third rail as an alternativ­e for main line services. Everyone starting from scratch would choose 25kV overhead wires. But third rail power is likely to be with us for a long time yet.

 ?? TOM MCATEE. ?? The 1630 London Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour stands at Woking on November 30 2014. NR’s bids to increase capacity in the Southern Region have pushed the electrific­ation debate down the agenda.
TOM MCATEE. The 1630 London Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour stands at Woking on November 30 2014. NR’s bids to increase capacity in the Southern Region have pushed the electrific­ation debate down the agenda.
 ?? BRIAN MORRISON. ?? With Class 423 4-VEP 7753 leading and Class 405/2 4-SUB 4356 also at the helm, the 1050 WaterlooGu­ildford and the 1046 Waterloo-Wimbledon-Richmond services respective­ly pass through Clapham Cutting on May 28 1982. Third rail was chosen for the Southern...
BRIAN MORRISON. With Class 423 4-VEP 7753 leading and Class 405/2 4-SUB 4356 also at the helm, the 1050 WaterlooGu­ildford and the 1046 Waterloo-Wimbledon-Richmond services respective­ly pass through Clapham Cutting on May 28 1982. Third rail was chosen for the Southern...
 ?? BRIAN MORRISON. ?? A Maidstone East to London Victoria train passes Bickley Junction on July 27 1955, formed of 2-HAL stock with 2657 leading. The third rail reached Maidstone in 1939.
BRIAN MORRISON. A Maidstone East to London Victoria train passes Bickley Junction on July 27 1955, formed of 2-HAL stock with 2657 leading. The third rail reached Maidstone in 1939.
 ?? JACK
BOSKETT/ RAIL. ?? Cost overruns on wiring the Great Western Main Line have diminished the economic case for replacing third rail. South West Trains 450543 approaches Waterloo on March 27 2012.
JACK BOSKETT/ RAIL. Cost overruns on wiring the Great Western Main Line have diminished the economic case for replacing third rail. South West Trains 450543 approaches Waterloo on March 27 2012.
 ??  ??
 ?? BRIAN MORRISON. ?? The UK’s first electrifie­d route opened in Brighton in 1883. Electric multiple units 2-BIL 2090 and 4-SUB 4732 work the shuttle service to and from Seaford during the Brighton Open Day on September 21 1991.
BRIAN MORRISON. The UK’s first electrifie­d route opened in Brighton in 1883. Electric multiple units 2-BIL 2090 and 4-SUB 4732 work the shuttle service to and from Seaford during the Brighton Open Day on September 21 1991.
 ?? BRIAN MORRISON. ?? Class 414/3 2-HAP 6055 leads a Horsham-London Victoria service through a wintry Clapham Cutting on January 10 1982. The proportion of the electrifie­d network using third rail will reduce once overhead wires are installed on the Great Western and...
BRIAN MORRISON. Class 414/3 2-HAP 6055 leads a Horsham-London Victoria service through a wintry Clapham Cutting on January 10 1982. The proportion of the electrifie­d network using third rail will reduce once overhead wires are installed on the Great Western and...

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