Rail (UK)

Station must be able to accommodat­e greater passenger numbers


Philip Haigh’s comments ( RAIL 861) are apposite as to what improvemen­ts and changes can be wrought within the infrastruc­ture of Edinburgh Waverley, to expand the station beyond its present-day limits to cater for expected rise in passenger usage.

As stated, the concourse at the western end is the one used by the majority of passengers (both commuters and visitors) for as long as I can recall. Most make

their way up to Princes Street and its immediate environs and attraction­s via the infamous Waverley Steps (which now at least have an escalator in addition, and are thankfully more or less wind and waterproof) and the carriage (as originally named) ramps.

What is referred to as a second concourse (in effect, the one at the eastern end) has had little activity in recent years since, principall­y, the demise of

Motorail. As far as I am aware, the only services now using the platforms there (and not always) are those to North Berwick and Tweedbank.

I imagine that the extended Platforms 5 & 6 will cater for at least some of the departing/ arriving IEP services coming on stream, but with passengers still traipsing their way from and towards the western end for exit/ access.

Mention of any use by the

footbridge over Platform 2 and the Calton Road entrance is only for the fit and agile!

There are also the erstwhile suburban platforms (8 and 9) behind the ‘wall’, which - although accessible in kind via both the station itself and Market Street - could be brought into greater use and connectivi­ty.

I look forward to whatever proposals are put forward concerning the above.

John Macnab, Falkirk

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