Rail (UK)

Operator Codes


Attached to the References & Symbols table is a list of Operator Codes.

In one sense, it shows how the NRT has made no attempt to modernise. It seems every effort is being made to freeze it as a mid-1990s time capsule. If only the team remembered that in those days it was at least an accurate publicatio­n!

The list shows ATW as being Transport for Wales, LE as Greater Anglia, and LM as West Midlands Trains.

However, what of HB? According to the list, it seems this means LNER. What did they have in mind? So, what do we actually find throughout all the relevant tables, such as Table 26? We find LNER is shown as GR - that’s the GR that meant GNER until a mere 11 years ago, of course. It’s totally confusing.

Then there are two entries that I totally dispute. It says LO is Transport for London and XR is Crossrail. LO is of course London Overground, which is a National Rail operator and not Transport for London. Crossrail doesn’t yet exist, and until it does it trades as TfL Rail - Transport for London indeed. Another total mix-up.

Against that catalogue of errors, I suppose they can be forgiven for showing AR to mean Alliance Rail, which is true. But they run no trains at all!

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