Rail (UK)

It’s not all bad away from the TGV on French railways


Regional train travel in France is often criticised as inadequate, because resources have been concentrat­ed for so long on the TGV network. However, with a devolved system of government, some regions sponsor train services and these can be very good (although timetables are rather haphazard).

Coming back from a ski trip, we were routed rather oddly from Moutiers in the Alps to Lyon, from where we took a TGV to Paris and thence the Eurostar. The three-hour trip from Moutiers was by no means fast, given that it is just under 200km (125 miles), but then that can be partly excused by the winding line through the valleys and what seemed like the sort of singling that British Rail indulged in.

However, there were two really great aspects, apart from the sheer pleasure of watching the French countrysid­e in the spring and the backyards of houses that often boast a few chickens or the occasional pig.

Firstly, the wonderful names of the stations that we passed - evocative of obscure wine labels or small village churches such as Saint André-Le-Gaz (how on earth did it get that name) and Tour-du-Pin. Many more of these stations, unstaffed now and with buildings that are somewhat fading, seem to have survived on the French system than in the UK. It has just over 3,000, compared with the UK’s 2,560 for a larger network but a similar population.

Secondly, the new carriages boasting ‘Rhone Alpes’ logos are of the old corridor and compartmen­t layout, without the doors. There are four seats each side, facing other. But instead of a sliding door, there is just a glass panel over half the entrance, leaving plenty of room to step in and out. It manages to give both a feeling of intimacy and cosiness, but is also accessible and open.

A great design for regional or long -distance trains, but even commuters would like it. Definitely worth a try here if an operator dares to give it a go - if there are any out there!

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