Rail (UK)

BTP firearms and protestor removal demonstrat­ions


British Transport Police firearms and counter-terrorist/ protestor removal teams will be returning to Rail Live by popular demand.

Armed police will be on site to showcase their specialist equipment. And they will stage two live demonstrat­ions of an incident each day, to show the audience their range of skills.

A BTP Drone team will also be attending, to explain how their equipment is deployed to reduce disruption and tackle crime on the rail network, while officers will also be on hand to talk about BTP’s Citizens in Policing programme.

Plus, come and speak to the team for an insider’s view on becoming a Police Support Volunteer, a Cadet Leader or a Special Constable.

The BTP’s dog handling teams were also due to attend, but had to withdraw due to logistical issues associated with the Commonweal­th Games.

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