Rail (UK)

Timetables on tablets


I couldn’t agree more with James Tubb on the need for paper timetables (Open Access, RAIL 963).

Like him, it’s not as if I don’t have internet access. But it is via a tablet (not a smartphone), which I don’t want the inconvenie­nce of taking everywhere with me as I don’t drive. Why should we be discrimina­ted against by the rail companies?

I understand that in the early days of the pandemic, there was so much uncertaint­y about services that printed timetables were impractica­l.

Now there is no excuse for not only bringing back the little booklets, but also displaying full informatio­n at each and every station.

For we are all (to use that hated non-rail word) their customers.

Tim Mickleburg­h, Grimsby

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