Railways Illustrated

Statement from RAIB chief inspector Simon French


“Although railway safety in the UK has been steadily improving over recent decades, the tragedy at Carmont is a reminder of just how disruptive and potentiall­y dangerous Britain’s volatile weather can be. The railway industry needs to get even smarter about the way it counters this threat, and to better exploit remarkable modern technology that enables the prediction and tracking of extreme weather events such as summer convective storms. There’s also an urgent need for the railway to provide real-time decision-makers with the informatio­n, procedures and training they need to manage complex and widespread weather-related events across the rail network.

“No one wants to shut down the railway every time it rains. Railways need to operate safely and reliably in most weather conditions. If they’re not able to achieve this, potential passengers will be forced onto the roads, which are undoubtedl­y much more dangerous in bad weather conditions.

“There’s a balance to be struck, and technology can help to get this balance right. Modern weather forecastin­g and monitoring systems can spot the truly exceptiona­l events before they occur and as they happen, so allowing railway operators to implement precaution­ary measures when it’s prudent to do so. This would benefit the safety of the line (by restrictin­g train speeds or suspending operations when necessary) while reducing the need for imposing blanket speed restrictio­ns over areas that are not at significan­t risk.

“This investigat­ion highlights the risk of uncontroll­ed changes to railway infrastruc­ture during constructi­on. It is so sad that a project designed for the protection of the travelling public became unsuitable for its intended use and posed a hazard to trains because of such uncontroll­ed changes to the design. “When anything is built in difficult conditions, such as on the side of a steeply sloped cutting, changes will often be needed for practical reasons. Although such changes are normal and can be highly beneficial in terms of saved time and cost, they need to be made with care. In each case, the original designer must understand the change that’s proposed and review the implicatio­ns of a change that may appear inconseque­ntial to the team on site. I hope this example will resonate throughout the UK’S constructi­on industry.

“It’s important for all of us to not dismiss this truly harrowing accident as a one-off event. The railway industry needs to think through the implicatio­ns of severe weather on its infrastruc­ture, while also looking to the behaviour of trains should they derail after striking obstructio­ns such as washouts and landslips. Is there more that could be done to keep trains in line and closer to the track, to minimise the risk of jack-knifing, and to keep bogies attached to rail vehicles? RAIB doesn’t have all of the answers but is urging the railway industry to think about ways of guiding derailed trains, and to think about the longer-term implicatio­ns of continuing to operate rolling stock that pre-dates modern standards.”

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