Reading Today

Extinction Rebellion protestors hold demo outside


CLIMATE campaigner­s Extinction Rebellion held a protest outside the HSBC in Reading town centre when it reopened after a three month-long closure,

The HSBC in Broad Street reopening on Monday, August 1, and staff were met with an Extinction Rebellion protest, with campaigner­s claiming the bank helps fund oil and gas companies that are damaging the environmen­t.

Protesters were seen holding mock police tape stating “climate crime scene” up to the building, as well as an End Fossil Fuels Now banner.

They also brought out mock HSBC advertisin­g, stating “we are climate crisis” and “today, you’re ‘on mute’, tomorrow you’re on target for 3°C global warming.

Campaigner­s have cited the Banking on Climate Crisis: Fossil Fuel Finance Report 2022 as proof of their concerns.

According to the report, HSBC invested $17.976 billion in companies involved in fossil fuel extraction in 2021.

Between 2016 and 2021, the report states HSBC invested $130.468 billion in “companies active across the fossil fuel life cycle”.

HSBC has also underwritt­en corporate bonds for energy companies

QatarEnerg­y, ExxonMobil, BP and Saudi Aramco.

Underwriti­ng means to insure against a debt, in this context, to the financial risk of fossil fuel extraction projects.

HSBC is not the only bank to underwrite such bonds, with others such as Barclays and Lloyds doing the same.

The Broad Street-based bank has been closed for refurbishm­ent for around three months.

It is understood the bank has downsized, with space it used to occupy now available to another business.

Earlier this year, HSBC announced three steps it would be taking to get to net zero emissions by 2050.

It has committed to publishing a Climate Transition Plan next year outlining its strategy to reach climate targets in 2030 and 2050; committed to phasing down fossil fuel financing; and review and update its wider policies.

On financing fossil fuel companies, a statement on HSBC’s website reads: “We’re committing to a scienceali­gned phase down of fossil fuel financing, in line with what is required to seek to limit the global temperatur­e rise to 1.5°C.

“We’ll engage with clients to review their transition plans for compatibil­ity with our net zero 2050 target, and will assess whether to continue providing financing for a client if no transition plans are produced.”

Celine Herweijer, the group’s chief sustainabi­lity officer, said: “HSBC understand­s that the sudden energy crisis that the world finds itself in will necessitat­e actions in the short-term around energy security.

“Our clients, like us, are operating in this new reality, but the longer-term imperative over the coming decades to transform business models for net zero remains unchanged.

“If anything, the current crisis should galvanise the need to supercharg­e investment into the clean energy transition.”

The Local Democracy Reporting Service has also requested a statement from HSBC on the refurbishm­ent and address points raised by Extinction Rebellion.

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