Reading Today



WOKINGHAM resident Helen Wilson has once again tasted success at the British Transplant Games with three gold medals and a bronze.

The Westfield Health British Transplant Games, which took place in Leeds, have been running for more than 40 years and aim to raise awareness of the need for organ donation, encourage transplant recipients to lead active lifestyles and show appreciati­on for donors and their families.

There were more than

25 sporting events at this year’s games which took place over four days with more than 1000 participan­ts all the way from toddlers to people in their 80s.

Helen performed superbly to take a gold medal in discuss, shot and javelin as well as a bronze medal in archery.

“I was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease in 2000 and reached end stage renal failure in December 2005,” said Helen.

“In 2006 both of my kidneys were removed and I went on to dialysis which meant being plugged into a machine at the hospital for five hours, three nights a week.

“This had a huge impact on my life as well as my family and friends.

“However, my amazing brother rang me one day to say that he wanted to be a donor and by giving me one of his kidneys, affectiona­tely named Sydney, in February 2007 he gave me my life back.

“All was well for a few years and then we discovered I also had a polycystic liver and I once again became incredibly sick.

“I was lucky and was put on the transplant list

“In December 2013, an amazing donor family who had agreed to their loved one’s wishes enabled me to receive a new liver who I affectiona­tely call Lionel.

“Considerin­g not so long ago I could not walk far and definitely couldn’t have taken part in any sport, I am the fittest I have ever been and am having an incredible time and it is all thanks to my selfless donors, their families and the amazing people who work in the NHS.

“Three people die in the UK every day waiting for an organ transplant and there are currently around 6,800 people waiting for that lifesaving call that I was lucky enough to receive.

“Please have the conversati­on, share your wishes and leave your loved ones certain about your organ donation wishes as you too could be a hero and save people’s lives.”

Helen will be competing at the European Games in Oxford in August and hopes to be selected again for Team Great Britain and Northern Ireland to represent at the World Games in 2023 in Perth, Australia. ■ For more informatio­n, visit www.shareyourw­ and

 ?? ?? Helen Wilson at the British Transplant Games
Helen Wilson at the British Transplant Games

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