Real Classic

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It’s nice to see Rowena’s Enfield getting some attention, and it’ll be interestin­g to see how far the cosmetic makeover goes. My own Electra is an EFI model. I bought a perfectly serviceabl­e motorcycle, with what I thought was the most uncomforta­ble seat I’ve ever ridden on. So I decided to change the seat… and the bars didn’t suit the new seat so I changed those too… and the footrests didn’t suit the new riding position so I moved them backwards an inch and a half… and the rear mudguard didn’t look right with the single seat so I changed it… which meant I had to move the rear light… and those HD indicators I had on the shelf were so much neater than the Enfield ones…

She’s finished now and I’m very happy with the result. Just hope you know when to stop! Andy Havill, member Ah. Well, we were thinking more of a crosser/ tracker look for our Enfield, but may have been overtaken by events as you’ll see in The Shed. The price of replacemen­t components is terrifying, given the value of the actual motorcycle. The bike itself is fine, if rusty, but replacing the exhaust, seat, footrests and getting the wheels rebuilt – even using the original rims stoved black – is remarkable. Probably more than the bike’s worth. It surely is a puzzle… FrankW

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