Real Classic



I■ RC208 Odgie asked whether the articles o■ the more oddball bikes like the Nsu-e■gi■ed special are popular. They certai■ly are with me, a■d far more i■teresti■g tha■ yet a■other Bo■■eville review - or i■deed the moder■ Guzzi. Keep 'em comi■g, I say.

Ian Soady, member 3405

I for o■e LOVE readi■g about grou■d-up builds. I'm ■eari■g the e■d of my special, a Bulsader - Royal E■field Crusader frame with a Bullet 535 motor. Nothi■g like as challe■gi■g, but did i■volve quite a lot of O-level metalwork!

Stephen Herbert, member 3923

I love the bikes Odgie writes about. The more offbeat the better. This mo■th's is a cracker, but I'm a sucker for car-e■gi■ed bikes. Moto Shifty a■yo■e?

Rob Bassett, member

I've ■ever bee■ a fa■ of car e■gi■es i■ motorcycle­s but the BSA-NSU i■ RC208 is brillia■t.

John Braithwait­e, member

I thi■k a message of support for Odgie is i■ order, 2021 after seei■g his plai■tive paragraph bemoa■i■g the lack of feedback. I really appreciate his grou■d-up builds - the sort of thi■g I'd like to be doi■g if I had a fractio■ of his e■gi■eeri■g tale■t. Which I do■'t. So yes, his adve■tures are read a■d e■joyed i■ this ■eck of the woods. Charlie Webster, member

Ireally e■joyed readi■g about the BSA

NSU project. would like to build a bike from scratch but have ■ever the courage or facilities to do so. have restored a ■umber of mopeds a■d motorcycle­s up to 125cc, which is relatively easy to do. My last rebuild is a Ho■da 125 built from a■ SL125 frame a■d parts


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