Real Homes

5 things...

you’ll only know when guests are in residence



The importance of nun-worthy PJS. Yes, you can run the gauntlet of a midnight loo dash in the buff, but you’ll never live it down if Uncle Pete catches you en route.


Why you really should have hired that handyman to sort out those creaky floorboard­s. Children sleeping in unfamiliar surroundin­gs wake up at the slightest furtive squeak.


Where the immersion switch lives. It’s behind the hot water tank. Turn it on. Don’t turn it off until they leave. Ditto the bathroom extractor fan, the kettle and the Wifi router.


The full-body, mind-bending exhaustion of entertaini­ng 24/7. Yet you are mainly sitting around chatting, taking a few wholesome walks (to the pub), eating, drinking… it makes no sense.


There can never be too much wine. Buy it, buy it all.

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