Real Homes


When the heat is on, get out of the kitchen – and take the party with you (and the kitchen if you want to impress). Read our guide to next-level alfresco entertaini­ng


Perfect for partying without worrying about red wine on your shag pile, entertaini­ng outdoors is the stress-free way to host this summer. OK, so we can’t promise you won’t fret about the weather. Even August can be dicey on the Storm Samir front (or whatever name we’re on by then) but at least there’s less chance Uncle Barry will smash your precious Anthropolo­gie lamp after one too many Newcy Browns. Eating outside also takes the pressure off, perfection-wise; who cares if the sausages are a bit burnt when there’s fresh air, laughter and, just maybe, sun on your face?

In recent years outdoor entertaini­ng has moved beyond the annual family gathering around a grease-encrusted barbecue. A fully-equipped outdoor kitchen isn’t beyond the pale, especially if you’re handy with the breeze blocks and can build some of it yourself. Pizza ovens have become more affordable, too. Go for a table top model like Ooni to practice your fire-starting skills, before graduating to a more substantia­l clay oven capable of producing a full-blown roast. For sophistica­ted soirées, add a cocktail bar in one corner, complete with chalkboard menu and high stools for hanging out with the mixologist (a.k.a. Uncle Barry). Older kids will love a Drive-thru style movie night and they’re surprising­ly easy to mock-up with a projector screen and white sheet.

Today’s true Hosts with the Most are essentiall­y turning their gardens (or patios) into outdoor living-cumdining rooms. A big fat sofa is a must – go L-shape for extra Lounge Lizard points. In fact, if lack of space dictates a choice between ample laidback seating or a table, go for the former. BBQ food is easy to eat on laps but there’s a limit to how long you can loaf about on upright dining chairs. Just serve food and drinks on a couple of bistro tables that can be folded away to make space for dancing later. Speaking of which, don’t forget the music. Some outdoor speakers can be linked to boost the sound further, try Sonos, but do think about your neighbours, unless they’re enjoying the tunes, too.

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