


For an instinctiv­e up-do that’s not too precise, avoid mirrors until the final fine-tuning stage.

Keep the shape tight at the back and full on top by creating a ponytail two inches below where your up-do will sit. Divide in two, hold one half in each hand and tip your head back. As you bring your head forward, tighten the tail by pulling the two sections away from each other. Repeat until your pony has crept up the back of your head and hit the right spot. Tie the two sections in a knot and pin the ends under. To override your parting (which can ‘split’ the hair on top of your head into curtains as you pull it back), backcomb at the roots or work in some hair powder before you start. Pinch out wisps along the hairline

(if you’re dedicated to your up-do, ask for a cut that allows shorter, face-framing pieces to fall out of their own accord).

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